I lost my father Saturday. Many of you have been there and know what I'm feeling--the sadness, the loss, and the sense that we've moved into another phase of life. One of my siblings said his death was the end of an era, and she was right in every respect.
My father, Daniel Weary, was eighty-five years old and had suffered the ravages of advanced Parkinson's Disease for many years. He fought back valiantly, never believing until perhaps the last few days that he wouldn't get better, that he wouldn't beat the disease. That attitude was typical. He often said he was the luckiest man in the world, and I wouldn't argue. He was an eternal optimist and a force to be reckoned with. His final illness was the first opponent he didn't manage to bend to his will.
I've been thinking a lot the past few days, searching for my favorite memories of my dad and savoring each one. When he was a young father, before his law career consumed so much of his time and energy, he used to make up bedtime stories for my sister and me (before siblings #3 and #4 arrived on the scene). I still remember the long-running serial about a little girl name Iva Marie, her nurse Nettie Jane, and Tony the taxi driver. They got into and out of outlandish scrapes night after night. I loved it. As I think back, those stories must have had their origin in the radio serials he listened to as a boy in Junction City, Kansas in the 'thirties.
My father also loved to sing and did so often and with great gusto. He was famous (in the family, at least) for his ability to calm a crying baby by dancing while singing the Darktown Strutter's Ball. If you've never heard of it, look it up. He also used to regularly burst into his own renditions of Bess, You Is My Woman Now from the musical Porgy and Bess, the old spiritual Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen, and Old Man River from Showboat. I'll never forget the sound of him trying to force his natural tenor to mimic Paul Robeson's deep bass.
When we were growing up, he and my mother used to load the four children into the family station wagon and drive across the endless prairies of Kansas to vacation at the YMCA camp in Estes Park, Colorado. My father drove with single-minded concentration on the road and always required a navigator. On one trip home, I was amazed when he blasted past a huge billboard announcing the home of the Kansas State Highway Patrol at ninety miles an hour. In true poetic irony, a motorcycle trooper had set up a speed trap behind the sign and pulled us over immediately. Later, Dad claimed he had never seen the sign. It was only about thirty feet tall!
He used to barbecue every Sunday evening in the summer, grilling wonderful hamburgers and steaks. It was a real treat because he often worked late so we rarely got to eat dinner together during the week. He was also a big fan of ice cream, especially chocolate and butter brickle. After my husband, daughter, and I moved to Minnesota, Dad found a favorite old-fashioned ice cream shop in our new town and made sure to stop in on every visit. He once asked the proprietor if they could ship to Kansas City.
He was also an intrepid world traveler. He and my mother visited places I shudder to think of and had a long list of incredible adventures. My favorite Christmas card depicts them at ages 78 and 80 flanked by a pair of headhunters in the jungles of Borneo. After age slowed them down a bit, I gave them a world map with colored pins to show every place they'd visited. The end result was quite impressive.
My dad lived life to the fullest, and I will cherish my memories of him for the rest of my days. Goodbye, Pops.
New life after 50: a journey of discovery and reinvention exploring the joys of the written word
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Welcome Guest Blogger Sandra Dailey
This is a banner day at The Second Half! Today we welcome our first guest blogger, Sandra Dailey! Sandy is a fellow Boomer and romance novelist who is here to celebrate the release of her second book, Twice the Trouble. Take it away, Sandy!
Romance –
The Imperfect Hero
How often
are our real life heroes perfect? We all know every man has his flaws. If we
say we love our man despite his imperfections, we fail. Eventually, when times
get tough, those imperfections magnify in our minds.
When we can
look past the scars to the core of the man and see him as perfect, we are in
My new
release, Twice the Trouble is a light-hearted contemporary romance with plenty
of humor. The main characters are rekindling an old romance that went terribly
wrong. But, now they have two mischievous preteens to deal with, besides.
Over the
years the main characters were separated, life wasn’t easy for either of them. My heroine,
Lacey, and her children combine home life with hard work as they make their
living on a small farm.

“There’s more to it than
just my arm. It was pretty bad. Does it bother you?”
“I know it bothers you
for me to see it, but it shouldn’t. It’s just a part of you, a part of your
history.” Lacey began hammering again.
“You know, most people
are grossed out by it. You and your kids act like it’s no worse than a scratch.
I don’t get it.”
“Well, a lot of people
are idiots,” Lacey told him. “When you work in this business you can’t be squeamish.
We have animals attacking each other, having accidents, and being born
deformed. They’re often turned out by the others to fend for themselves or die.
Sometimes we get to them in time to help, sometimes not.”
“Well, that little story
really brightens my day,” Alex grumbled.
“The moral of the story
is: we’re not animals,” her voice lowered. “Although, you may not have guessed
by the way my children behave.”
Alex measured, cut and
placed another board before he spoke again. “You once said I was perfect. As
you can see, I’m not perfect anymore.”
Lacey’s eyes narrowed in
contemplation. “Oh, I get it. You thought I was referring to your looks. No, I
was talking about your batting stance. Yeah, definitely, you had a great
Lacey Carlyle has worked
for years to create the perfect blend of home, business and family. Now she
risks losing everything when the land she farms is bought by the man who
abandoned her thirteen years ago.
Alex has never
understood why Lacey walked away from him. Now, he holds the deed to her farm
and intends to make her pay. The only problem – two kids weren’t part of the
Jenna and Jarrod may not
see eye-to-eye but they are both determined to find happiness for their mom and
keep their home safe.
Can Lacey and Alex put
their pasts behind them and embrace a future together?
My question is: As a reader, how do you feel about heroes with scars
and insecurities?
Twice the
Trouble is currently available exclusively on Amazon. The official release from
The Wild Rose Press will be on May 8, 2013. To pick up a copy now, go to: http://amzn.to/Wrxm6B
About the author:
Sandra Dailey is an avid reader
and lifelong story teller. She caught
the writing bug after winning a short story contest. The Chief’s Proposal was her first published
work and now she’s added Twice the Trouble, but she has many more stories to
Sandra currently lives with her
husband in north Florida.
To contact Sandra Dailey:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
So Much Stuff
You probably know by now
that OG and I are moving in the next few months. Technically, we aren’t
downsizing. When the renovations to our new house in Carmel
are complete, it will be just about the same size as the one we’re leaving in Minnesota . However,
there are a few problems. One is the lack of basements in California . If you have a basement, think
about everything you have stored in it. Then
think about what you would do with all that stuff if you didn’t have one. Next,
we already have a condo out there, fully furnished with new furniture I chose
specifically for California .
It’s more casual and rustic—a completely different look from our traditional
home in Minnesota .
Lastly, it’s expensive to move and store stuff we don’t need.
And we have lots of stuff we
don’t need. In thirty years of marriage, OG and I have owned ten homes, so we’ve
moved many times. Some of those moves were only a few blocks, and some were several
states away. However, we were always moving to an equal or larger-sized place,
and on occasion the company was paying for it. This time we’re on our own.
The decisions about what to
jettison are easier for me than for OG. Because of the traumatic way my job
ended, I’ve embraced BIG CHANGES. I’m excited to be leaving for a new life in a
new place. OG is more cautious about giving up his familiar life with its
familiar trappings. Don’t get me wrong, he’s looking forward to escaping Minnesota winters, but
in many ways, this has been a good place to live. Because I know how challenging
this is for him, I don’t want to push too hard about what we leave behind. I
don’t want to abandon things with genuine sentimental value, but I really don’t
want to haul a bunch of stuff half-way across the country because we MIGHT need
it some day.
I suspect the next few weeks
will involve significant compromise. I also suspect we’ll end up taking far too
much stuff. Our realtor tells me everyone does this. Perhaps it’s a necessary
part of the transition process.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Will I Ever Sleep Again?
Nearly every one I know over
the age of fifty struggles with insomnia to some degree. I have slept through
the night exactly three times in the past seven years, and none in the past
five. Whenever I manage to fall asleep (sometimes several hours after going to
bed), I’ll usually make it through two ninety-minute sleep cycles before
suddenly waking completely up in the middle of the night. Often this mid-night
awakening is accompanied by a rush of adrenaline and a good strong hot flash—just
to make sure there’s no risk I’ll roll over and fall back to sleep quickly. Any
sleep I get the rest of the night is broken into short segments with at least
two additional awakenings. I can’t even remember what it feels like to wake up
And I know I’m not alone.
Articles on the importance of sleep seem to slap you in the face every time you
turn around. Inadequate sleep is reported to cause obesity, heart attacks, increased
accidents, emotional lability. And the list goes on. Just this morning, our
newspaper featured an article about a study that found that poor sleep in
people of retirement age was a significant factor in memory loss. Small wonder
we lose sleep worrying about the effects of losing sleep.
Most articles focus on the
fact that few American adults get as much sleep as they need, and the authors
approach the problem from a scolding perspective, as if insomnia were a choice.
We don’t sleep enough because we work too much or we refuse to turn off our
electronic gadgets and relax. It’s easy to find articles describing good sleep
hygiene: keep your bedroom cool, no TV in the bedroom, no work in the bedroom,
exercise but not within four hours of bedtime, get up and read if you can’t
fall asleep in a reasonable time, etc., etc., etc.
I know all that. I suspect
you do, too. For me, I suspect the dual culprits are aging and stress. Fact:
women of a “certain age” simply do not sleep as well as they once did. We have
more trouble falling asleep and sleep more lightly. I certainly do. Then there’s
stress. Does this sound familiar? I zip through the day, accomplishing task
after task. I have aging parents and a not-yet-fully-launched child to worry
about. In the evening, I try to relax by watching TV with OG and/or reading.
The minute the lights go out, my mind starts to race, attempting to sort out
all the unresolved issues of my life. Because I’m so tired, my brain rarely
finds constructive answers, but that doesn’t stop it from trying.
So what’s the answer? I’m
trying progressive relaxation and other meditative techniques such as mentally
repeating a short phrase over an over like a mantra to keep the mind free. No
real success yet, but apparently it takes practice to master the technique. I also
saw an interesting factoid in the Oct/Nov issue of the AARP newsletter stating
that Americans ages 45-64 spend an average of just 18 minutes a day relaxing
and thinking. I wonder what would happen if I devoted perhaps a half-hour a day
to contemplation. If I took the time to think things through thoroughly during
the day, would my mind still insist on trying to do it again at night? It’s
worth a try.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
My First Portfolio Project
I’m thrilled to announce I’ve
received and completed the first project in my new portfolio career as a writer/editor/book
cover designer before even officially opening up shop. A writer friend, Jannine
Gallant, is taking the leap from being published with small presses to
independently publishing a series of romantic suspense novellas and asked me to
design her covers. I had planned to do a few practice projects to master the
necessary techniques but couldn’t pass up an opportunity to start out working
on the “real thing”.
The most rewarding aspect of
this project was collaborating with the author. Most cover designers ask for
input from the author during the initial consultation then work independently
before offering the client his or her choice of three completed designs. Jannine
and I worked together from the start, selecting the images, fonts, and colors. Along
the way, I learned how to size and crop, select and cut partial images, and
refine edges. There are many more techniques I need to learn, but this was an
exciting beginning. I can’t wait to start on the next one!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Is There a Move in Your Second Half?
It’s official; we’re moving
to Carmel .
We might be crazy to add the
stress of a cross-country move on top of all the other changes of the past
several months, but as I sit here watching it snow (again) in Minnesota , I know we’re doing the right
OG and I have been vacationing
in Carmel (on the central California
coast two hours south of San Francisco )
for the past five years. About a year and a half ago, we splurged and bought a
vacation condo in a wonderful location with a view of the mountains and only a
few blocks from the beach, thinking it would be the perfect getaway for the
five years before I retired. If you follow this blog, you know fate threw a
monkey wrench into my retirement plans last summer, turning years into months,
and we began to evaluate every aspect of our Second Half. What exactly do we
want to do with our time, and where do we want to do it?
For years, the Monterey Peninsula has drawn me like a magnet. For
a lifelong Midwesterner (and flatlander), the combination of sea, rocky
shoreline, sandy beaches, and mountains is magical. I marvel at the softness of
the air and the unfamiliar vegetation. I even love the fog. We rarely have fog
in the plains, and when we do it’s thick, solid ground fog—nothing like the
mysterious floating fingers of coastal fog that glide above the highway and
through the pine-covered hills.
OG has always been a
winter-hater at heart, and in Minnesota
he’s housebound for several months a year except to shovel snow and run
essential errands. The first few weeks of retirement gave me a taste of what
that’s like, and I hated it, too. I want so much more for our Second Half. I
want to go for walks and work in the garden. I want OG to be able to play golf
and take sailing lessons if he chooses.
It’s scary to think of
leaving the familiarity of the place we’ve lived for twenty-three years, the
place we raised our daughter. OG worries about finding a new barber who will
cut his hair perfectly every time. We know we’ll never be able to replace our
wonderful dentist, and at our age that’s a serious concern! But there’s more to
life than barbers and dentists. With the demise of my job, we no longer have
any real ties to Minnesota .
Our daughter only comes home a couple of times a year, and we have no family
here. It’s time to suit ourselves and move on.
We began house hunting in Carmel last November and
settled on a house during our trip last week. We chose a modest ranch house in Carmel Valley
a few miles inland from the coast with a glorious view of the mountains. The
house is in dismal condition, so fixing it up will be a several-month project. I’ll
post updates as we move along. Who ever said the Second Half would be dull?
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